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Podcasts with Mark and Kara

Lots of funny stuff and some really great interviews on Mornings with Mark and Kara. If you missed something, or want to hear it again, this is the page for podcasts. Visit often. Spread the word.


September 17 – Does Kara need more caffeine?


September 12 – Vape detectors in schools


September 11 – The debate


September 10 – Kara drinks pickle juice, and she lets her kids watch.


September 9 – Celebrity Trivia


September 6 – The Coyote problem


September 5 – How to arrange a wedding, or not.


September 4 – Has anyone stolen stuff  from your backyard?


September 3 – Getting lost when you hike


August 29 – Decoy bobblehead


August 28 – Husband calling


August 27 – Cucumbers and TikTok


August 26 – Family orders stuff online on Mark and Kara’s Amazon accounts 


August 23 – Mayo perfume


August 22 – Plastic surgery and Mark doesn’t care what he looks like


August 21 – Kara’s airbnb for neighbourhood animals


August 20 – Weight loss


August 19 – Awards ceremonies


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